
The Great Stephen King ReRead

A few years ago, I set out to read every single book that Stephen King wrote. I read them in order, and left out the Dark Tower series, the Bachman books, and his co-authored novels. That means I read 38 novels, 15 novellas, 111 short stories, and 5 poems by Stephen King.

When I started the reread I was just about to sign a contract for my first novel. When I finished, I had two novels on the shelves, I'd published a book of non-fiction, and I'd written Mohawk, a horror movie about the War of 1812 which just had its world premiere. I lived with King's books for those five years, and it had a huge impact on my life.

I did the re-read for Tor, but over the years they’ve redone their site a few times (and most recently re-named it Reactor) and it can be hard to find them, so here are links to everything, all in one place. Because while I may not be a good writer, I am definitely a convenient one.

HEY! CHECK IT OUT!!! I’m on the New York Times Books podcast talking about the Re-Read!